Workstations vs. Desktop PCs
At first glance, our workstations look like standard desktop PCs. But there's much more to them: They are specially designed for the special requirements of various business areas where large volumes of data are processed, and therefore also offer significantly higher operating speeds and more efficient work processes. They contain everything that computing-intensive workstations need. To increase reliability and longevity, we also partially incorporate components from the server area. Among others, the graphics processors from Nvidia and AMD listed under GPU. In addition, we optimize the internal transfer paths between main memory, graphics memory and hard disk storage through an appropriate selection of high-performance components.
The initial purchase costs, which seem high compared to normal PCs, are quickly amortized by the higher working speed. Conversely, this means you get more work done in less time. In addition, workstations are extremely robust and have a long service life - this also has a positive effect on IT costs in the long term.
The initial purchase costs, which seem high compared to normal PCs, are quickly amortized by the higher working speed. Conversely, this means you get more work done in less time. In addition, workstations are extremely robust and have a long service life - this also has a positive effect on IT costs in the long term.
Full Service – from Initial Consultation to Long-Term Support

Initial Consultation
Our sales engineers record your status quo and analyze your needs.

According to your plans we will prepare a quotation for your individual workstation.

The assembly of all components is done by our IT specialists in Bremen, Germany.
Your Direct Contact to Our Consulting Team
We are happy to support you with advice and action.
Challenge us, we are looking forward to your request!
Challenge us, we are looking forward to your request!

+49 7667 / 94 69 0
Mon – Thu, 8am – 5pm
Fri, 8am – 4pm
Mon – Thu, 8am – 5pm
Fri, 8am – 4pm

Into the Future with Mobile Workstations for Research, SMEs and Industry
Mobile workstations are also becoming increasingly important due to the flexibilization of the working world and digitization. In these handy high-performance computers, we combine typical business features with the hardware of powerful computers where necessary.
If team members are frequently outside the company or if data has to be recorded and processed at different locations on the premises, such as in production facilities, we will create mobile computers tailored to your company or scientific institution with correspondingly high capacities and integrate them into your IT solution. In compliance with all security-relevant aspects.
If team members are frequently outside the company or if data has to be recorded and processed at different locations on the premises, such as in production facilities, we will create mobile computers tailored to your company or scientific institution with correspondingly high capacities and integrate them into your IT solution. In compliance with all security-relevant aspects.